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Inbound Marketing

Benefit from the expertise of a team of experienced Inbound Marketing consultants to identify and activate the best digital channels, increase qualified traffic to your website and optimize conversion of visitors into contacts.

What is inbound marketing ?

Definition of l'Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is a strategy that consists of attracting new prospects to your website in a natural and non-intrusive manner.

In the past, companies identified potential customers and contacted them directly by telephone or email to sell them a product or service. For most prospects (who didn't ask to be contacted), this strategy was seen as aggressive and irrelevant. Marketers therefore began to search for new strategies that were more respectful of customers and their needs. It was in this context that inbound marketing was born.

Inbound marketing uses high-quality content to address the specific needs of customers. Customer are free to choose for themselves, without the hassle of cold calls or emails.

The challenges of inbound marketing

Inbound marketing addresses three main issues: Notoriety, Operational efficiency and Continual improvement

Firstly, this strategy allows your company to gain notoriety and credibility with your key targets. Indeed, you help your customers and prospects to solve their business problems without selling them a product or service directly. This gives you confidence and creates a positive experience: a more ethical marketing that puts the customer and his needs at the center.

Second, creating content that is useful to all your prospects instead of contacting them one by one is a huge gain in time and efficiency.

Finally, by closely monitoring your performance and adjusting your actions accordingly, you will make continuous progress.

How to do Inbound Marketing?

In order to succeed in your inbound digital strategy, it is essential to have a solid knowledge of your targets.

And we're not just talking about their average age and gender, but about their needs, desires, obstacles and habits on the Internet and social networks. All this data is the essential ingredients of a winning inbound strategy.

Finally, ideally, to do Inbound Marketing, it is advisable to be equipped with Marketing Automation software. This allows you to easily implement your strategy and monitor your performance. This represents an additional budget, but the savings in time and efficiency (no longer using 10 different and unconnected tools) far exceed the investment.


What are the advantages of inbound marketing?

Attract qualified traffic to your website

One qualified visitor has far more value and potential than fifteen poorly targeted visitors.

We pull the acquisition levers that increase your visibility among your main target groups.

Generate leads by way of user-centric content

Segmentation and personalization are the keys to a high conversion rate.

We analyze your targets (needs, habits, constraints) to push the right content to the right visitor at the right time.

Build and engage your community

In today's world, simply being on the social networks is no longer enough.

We help you build an engaged community that is committed to your brand and values.

Develop your image and increase brand awareness

To stand out, you need a strong identity that highlights your know-how and expertise.

We create and promote this identity on your platforms to increase your notoriety among your targets.

Find out more about Inbound Marketing offer

How to set up an Inbound Marketing Strategy?

Inbound marketing allows you to generate qualified traffic on your website and convert this traffic into serious prospects for your company. You'll increase your notoriety tenfold by implementing targeted campaigns that address the needs of your prospects.


SEO & Organic Traffic

We improve your SEO by intervening on all aspects of SEO: semantic, technical and notoriety, in order to generate qualified organic traffic.


SEA & Adwords Strategy

We design your SEA strategy and optimize your budget to make your Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads and Facebook Ads accounts qualified traffic generators.


Content Strategy

We provide concrete answers to your customers' business issues through quality content that generates qualified leads.


Social Media Strategy

We study the habits and preferences of your targets on social networks in order to create the best strategy and federate your community.

Find out more about Inbound Marketing offer

Inbound marketing 
by Markentive

The difference between inbound and outbound marketing

These two strategies are based on the same goal, namely to generate more customers. However, they have totally different ways of doing it. Inbound marketing attracts customers in a natural and non-intrusive manner, e.g. via high-quality content, while outbound marketing consists of unsolicited sales canvassing (cold calls, cold emails, adware, pop-ups, etc.).

Who can benefit from inbound marketing?

Inbound marketing is a strategy that can be used by both B2C and B2B companies in all sectors of activity. Customers and prospects can be reached by way of inbound marketing simply by searching for information on the social networks and the Internet. In fact, this strategy is primarily used on digital channels.

How do we implement an inbound marketing strategy?

There are 4 main steps to implementing an inbound strategy: personas (your targets, their needs, the way to reach them), the buyer's journey (the touchpoints and experiences of your customers), the data model (the information required to segment your leads from hottest to coldest), and the content chart (content you create to attract your targets).

Why do we need assistance from an inbound marketing agency?

With an agency, you'll not only benefit from the expertise of inbound marketing consultants but also UX/UI experts and developers. All your work will be centralized, from the project planning to the creation of your strategy and campaigns. You'll also benefit from the experience of a professional marketing team, who have worked on countless customer cases (pitfalls to avoid, best practices, etc.) and know exactly which tools to use.

What kind of ROI can we expect from an inbound marketing strategy?

Performance monitoring is one of the main components of an inbound marketing strategy. You'll monitor everything, from the smallest action (an email, a post on a social network) to the overall performance of your campaigns. Thanks to this monitoring, you'll know exactly how many visitors, contacts, and customers have been generated and can optimize your strategy - and thus your ROI - accordingly.